# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This robot check copyright text in Google and Yahoo.
Google search requires to install the pyGoogle module from http://pygoogle.sf.net
and get a Google API license key from http://code.google.com/apis/soapsearch/ (but
since December 2006 Google is no longer issuing new SOAP API keys).
Yahoo! search requires pYsearch module from http://pysearch.sourceforge.net and
a Yahoo AppID from http://developer.yahoo.com.
You can run the bot with the following commandline parameters:
-g - Use Google search engine
-ng - Do not use Google
-y - Use Yahoo! search engine
-ny - Do not use Yahoo!
-maxquery - Stop after a specified number of queries for page (default: 25)
-output - Append results to a specified file (default: 'copyright/output.txt')
-file - Work on all pages given in a local text file.
Will read any [[wiki link]] and use these articles.
Argument can also be given as "-file:filename".
-cat - Work on all pages which are in a specific category.
Argument can also be given as "-cat:categoryname".
-subcat - When the pages to work on have been chosen by -cat, pages in
subcategories of the selected category are also included.
When -cat has not been selected, this has no effect.
-page - Only check a specific page.
Argument can also be given as "-page:pagetitle". You can give this
parameter multiple times to check multiple pages.
-ref - Work on all pages that link to a certain page.
Argument can also be given as "-ref:referredpagetitle".
-filelinks - Works on all pages that link to a certain image.
Argument can also be given as "-filelinks:ImageName".
-links - Work on all pages that are linked to from a certain page.
Argument can also be given as "-links:linkingpagetitle".
-start - Work on all pages in the wiki, starting at a given page.
-namespace:n - Number of namespace to process. The parameter can be used
multiple times.
If you want to check first 50 new articles then use this command:
python copyright.py -new:50
If you want to check a category with no limit for number of queries to
request, use this:
python copyright.py -cat:"Wikipedia featured articles" -maxquery:0
# (C) Francesco Cosoleto, 2006
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import generators
import sys, re, codecs, os, time
import wikipedia, pagegenerators, catlib, config, mediawiki_messages
__version__='$Id: copyright.py,v 1.61 2007/01/27 10:02:24 cosoleto Exp $'
#search_in_msn = False
exclude_quote = True
appdir = "copyright/"
output_file = appdir + "output.txt"
pages_for_exclusion_database = [
('it', 'User:Filbot/Lista_di_esclusione', 'exclusion_list.txt'),
#('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Abc', 'Abc.txt'),
#('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Def', 'Def.txt'),
#('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Ghi', 'Ghi.txt'),
#('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Jkl', 'Jkl.txt'),
#('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Mno', 'Mno.txt'),
#('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Pqr', 'Pqr.txt'),
#('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Stu', 'Stu.txt'),
#('en', 'Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Vwxyz', 'Vwxyz.txt'),
#('de', 'Wikipedia:Weiternutzung', 'Weiternutzung.txt'),
('it', 'Wikinotizie:Rassegna stampa', 'Cloni.txt'),
#('pl', 'Wikipedia:Mirrory_i_forki_polskiej_Wikipedii', 'Mirrory_i_forki_polskiej_Wikipedii.txt'),
#('pt', 'Wikipedia:Clones_da_Wikipédia', 'Clones_da_Wikipédia.txt'),
#('sv', 'Wikipedia:Spegelsidor', 'Spegelsidor.txt'),
sections_to_skip = {
'en':['References', 'Further reading', 'Citations', 'External links'],
'it':['Bibliografia', 'Riferimenti bibliografici', "Collegamenti esterni", "Fonti"],
def skip_section(text):
l = list()
for s in sections_to_skip.values():
sect_titles = '|'.join(l)
sectC = re.compile('(?mi)^==\s*(' + sect_titles + ')\s*==')
newtext = ''
while True:
newtext = cut_section(text, sectC)
if newtext == text:
text = newtext
return text
def cut_section(text, sectC):
sectendC = re.compile('(?m)^==[^=]')
start = sectC.search(text)
if start:
end = sectendC.search(text, start.end())
if end:
return text[:start.start()]+text[end.start():]
return text[:start.start()]
return text
def exclusion_file_list():
for i in pages_for_exclusion_database:
path = appdir + i[0] + '/' + i[2]
p = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(i[0]),i[1])
yield p, path
def load_pages(force_update = False):
for page, path in exclusion_file_list():
length = 0
length = os.path.getsize(path)
file_age = time.time() - os.path.getmtime(path)
if file_age > 24 * 60 * 60:
print 'Updating page [[' + page.title() + ']] to exclude new URLs...'
length = 0
except OSError:
if length == 0 or force_update:
data = page.get()
f = codecs.open(path, 'w', 'iso-8859-1')
except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
data = page.get(get_redirect=True)
print 'Getting page failed'
def check_list(text, cl, debug=False):
for entry in cl:
if entry:
if text.find(entry) != -1:
#print entry
if debug:
print 'SKIP URL ' + text
return True
def exclusion_list():
prelist = []
result_list = []
for page, path in exclusion_file_list():
if 'exclusion_list.txt' in path:
result_list += re.sub("</?pre>","", read_file(path, cut_comment = True)).splitlines()
data = read_file(path)
# wikipedia:en:Wikipedia:Mirrors and forks
prelist += re.findall("(?i)url\s*=\s*(?:http://)?(.*)", data)
prelist += re.findall("(?i)\*\s*Site:\s*\[?(?:http://)?(.*)\]?", data)
# wikipedia:it:Wikipedia:Cloni
if 'it/Cloni.txt' in path:
prelist += re.findall('(?mi)^==(?!=)\s*\[?\s*(?:)?\s*(?:http://)?(.*?)(?:)?\s*\]?\s*==', data)
list1 = []
for entry in prelist:
list1 += entry.split(", ")
list2 = []
for entry in list1:
list2 += entry.split("and ")
for entry in list2:
# Remove unnecessary part of URL
entry = re.sub("http://", "", entry)
entry = re.sub("www\.", "", entry)
entry = re.sub("</?nowiki>", "", entry)
if entry:
if '/' in entry:
result_list += [re.sub(" .*", "", entry[:entry.rfind('/')])]
result_list += [re.sub(" .*", "", entry)]
result_list += read_file(appdir + 'exclusion_list.txt', cut_comment = True).splitlines()
return result_list
def read_file(filename, cut_comment = False):
text = u""
f = codecs.open(filename, 'r','iso-8859-1')
text = f.read()
if cut_comment:
text = re.sub(" ?#.*", "", text)
return text
def write_log(text, filename = output_file):
f = codecs.open(filename, 'a', 'iso-8859-1')
# Set regex used in cleanwikicode() to remove [[Image:]] tags
# and regex used in check_in_source() to reject pages with
# 'Wikipedia'.
def join_family_data(reString, namespace):
for s in wikipedia.Family().namespaces[namespace].itervalues():
if type (s) == type([]):
for e in s:
reString += '|' + e
reString += '|' + s
return '\s*(' + reString + ')\s*'
reImageC = re.compile('\[\[' + join_family_data('Image', 6) + ':.*?\]\]', re.I)
reWikipediaC = re.compile(join_family_data('Wikipedia', 4).replace("|Wiki|", "|"), re.I)
def cleanwikicode(text):
if not text:
return ""
#write_log(text+'\n', "debug_cleanwikicode1.txt")
text = re.sub('(?i)<p.*?>' ,'', text)
text = re.sub('(?i)</?div.*?>' ,'', text)
text = re.sub("(?i)</*small>", "", text)
text = re.sub('(?i)<(/\s*)?br(\s*/)?>', '', text)
text = re.sub('<!--.*?-->', '', text)
text = re.sub('<', '<', text)
text = re.sub('>', '>', text)
if exclude_quote:
text = re.sub("(?i){{quote|.*?}}", "", text)
text = re.sub("^[:*]?\s*''.*?''\.?\s*((\(|<ref>).*?(\)|</ref>))?\.?$", "", text)
text = re.sub('^[:*]?\s*["][^"]+["]\.?\s*((\(|<ref>).*?(\)|</ref>))?\.?$', "", text)
text = re.sub('^[:*]?\s*[«][^»]+[»]\.?\s*((\(|<ref>).*?(\)|</ref>))?\.?$', "", text)
text = re.sub('^[:*]?\s*[“][^â€]+[â€]\.?\s*((\(|<ref>).*?(\)|</ref>))?\.?$', "", text)
# exclude <ref> notes
text = re.sub ("<ref.*?>.*?</ref>", "", text)
# exclude wikitable
text = re.sub('^(\||{[^{]).*', "", text)
# remove URL
text = re.sub('https?://[\w/.,;:@&=%#\\\?_!~*\'|()\"+-]+', ' ', text)
# remove Image tags
text = reImageC.sub("", text)
# replace piped wikilink
text = re.sub("\[\[[^\]]*?\|(.*?)\]\]", "\\1", text)
# remove unicode and polytonic template
text = re.sub("(?i){{(unicode|polytonic)\|(.*?)}}", "\\1", text)
# remove <nowiki> tags
text = re.sub("</*nowiki>", "", text)
# remove template
text = re.sub('{{.*?}}', '', text)
# remove LaTeX staff
text = re.sub('<math>.*?</math>', '', text)
#text = text.replace("''", "")
text = text.replace("[", "")
text = text.replace("]", "")
text = re.sub('^[*:;]', '', text)
text = text.replace("<!--", "")
text = text.replace("-->", "")
#if text:
# write_log(text+'\n', "debug_cleanwikicode2.txt")
return text
excl_list = exclusion_list()
def exclusion_list_dump():
res = ''
for entry in excl_list:
res += entry + '\n'
f = open(appdir + 'exclusion_list.dump', 'w')
def n_index(text, n, sep):
pos = 0
while n>0:
pos = text.index(sep, pos + 1)
n -= 1
except ValueError:
return 0
return pos
def mysplit(text, dim, sep):
if not sep in text:
return [text]
t = text
l = list()
while t:
if sep in t:
n = n_index(t, dim, sep)
if n>0:
t = t[n+1:]
return l
def query(lines = [], max_query_len = 1300):
# Google max_query_len = 1480?
# - '-Wikipedia ""' = 1467
# Google limit queries to 32 words.
output = u""
n_query = 0
previous_group_url = 'none'
for line in lines:
line = cleanwikicode(line)
for search_words in mysplit(line, 31, " "):
if len(search_words) > 120:
n_query += 1
if config.copyright_max_query_for_page and n_query > config.copyright_max_query_for_page:
print "Max query limit for page reached"
return output
if len(search_words) > max_query_len:
search_words = search_words[:max_query_len]
consecutive = False
if " " in search_words:
search_words = search_words[:search_words.rindex(" ")]
results = get_results(search_words)
group_url = ''
for url, engine in results:
group_url += '\n*%s - %s' % (engine, url)
if results:
group_url_list = group_url.splitlines()
group_url = '\n'.join(group_url_list)
if previous_group_url == group_url:
if consecutive:
output += ' ' + search_words
output += '\n**' + search_words
output += group_url + '\n**' + search_words
previous_group_url = group_url
consecutive = True
consecutive = False
consecutive = False
return output
source_seen = set()
positive_source_seen = set()
def check_in_source(url):
Sources may be different from search engine database and include mentions of
Wikipedia. This function avoid also errors in search results that can occurs
either with Google and Yahoo! service.
import urllib2
global excl_list, source_seen, positive_source_seen
if url in positive_source_seen:
return True
if url in source_seen:
return False
if check_list(url, excl_list):
return False
# very experimental code
if not url[-4:] in [".pdf", ".doc", ".ppt"]:
resp = urllib2.urlopen(url)
text = resp.read()
if reWikipediaC.search(text):
# if 'wikipedia' in text.lower():
excl_list += [url]
#write_log(url + '\n', "copyright/sites_with_'wikipedia'.txt")
return True
#write_log(url + '\n', "copyright/sites_without_'wikipedia'.txt")
return False
def add_in_urllist(url, add_item, engine):
for i in range(len(url)):
if add_item in url[i]:
if engine not in url[i][1]:
url[i] = (add_item, url[i][1] + ', ' + engine)
url.append((add_item, engine))
def get_results(query, numresults = 10):
url = list()
query = re.sub("[()\"<>]", "", query)
if config.copyright_google:
import google
google.LICENSE_KEY = config.google_key
print " google query..."
search_request_retry = config.copyright_connection_tries
while search_request_retry:
#SOAP.faultType: <Fault SOAP-ENV:Server: Exception from service object:
# Daily limit of 1000 queries exceeded for key xxx>
data = google.doGoogleSearch('-Wikipedia "' + query + '"')
search_request_retry = 0
for entry in data.results:
if config.copyright_check_in_source_google:
if check_in_source(entry.URL):
add_in_urllist(url, entry.URL, 'google')
except Exception, err:
print "Got an error ->", err
search_request_retry -= 1
if config.copyright_yahoo:
import yahoo.search.web
print " yahoo query..."
data = yahoo.search.web.WebSearch(config.yahoo_appid, query='"' +
query.encode('utf_8') +
'" -Wikipedia', results=numresults)
search_request_retry = config.copyright_connection_tries
while search_request_retry:
for entry in data.parse_results():
if config.copyright_check_in_source_yahoo:
if check_in_source(entry.Url):
add_in_urllist(url, entry.Url, 'yahoo')
search_request_retry = 0
except Exception, err:
print "Got an error ->", err
search_request_retry -= 1
#if search_in_msn:
# ## max_query_len = 150?
# from __SOAPpy import WSDL
# print " msn query..."
# wsdl_url = 'http://soap.search.msn.com/webservices.asmx?wsdl'
# server = WSDL.Proxy(wsdl_url)
# params = {'AppID': config.msn_appid, 'Query': '-Wikipedia "' + query + '"', 'CultureInfo': 'en-US', 'SafeSearch': 'Off', 'Requests': {
# 'SourceRequest':{'Source': 'Web', 'Offset': 0, 'Count': 10, 'ResultFields': 'All',}}}
# search_request_retry = config.copyright_connection_tries
# results = ''
# while search_request_retry:
# try:
# server_results = server.Search(Request = params)
# search_request_retry = 0
# if server_results.Responses[0].Results:
# results = server_results.Responses[0].Results[0]
# except Exception, err:
# print "Got an error ->", err
# search_request_retry -= 1
# for entry in results:
# try:
# add_in_urllist(url, entry.Url, 'msn')
# except AttributeError:
# print "attrib ERROR"
offset = 0
for i in range(len(url)):
if check_list(url[i + offset][0], excl_list, debug = True):
url.pop(i + offset)
offset += -1
return url
def get_by_id(title, id):
return wikipedia.getSite().getUrl("/w/index.php?title=%s&oldid=%s&action=raw" % (title, id))
def checks_by_ids(ids):
for title, id in ids:
original_text = get_by_id(title, id)
if original_text:
output = query(lines=original_text.splitlines())
if output:
write_log("=== [[" + title + "]] ===\n{{/box|%s|prev|%s|%s|00}}" % (title.replace(" ", "_").replace("\"", "%22"), id, "author") + output, "copyright/ID_output.txt")
class CheckRobot:
def __init__(self, generator):
self.generator = generator
def run(self):
Starts the robot.
# Run the generator which will yield Pages which might need to be
# checked.
for page in self.generator:
# Load the page's text from the wiki
original_text = page.get()
except wikipedia.NoPage:
wikipedia.output(u'Page %s not found' % page.title())
except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
original_text = page.get(get_redirect=True)
# colors = [13] * len(page.title())
if original_text:
text = skip_section(original_text)
output = query(lines = text.splitlines())
if output:
write_log('=== [[' + page.title() + ']] ===' + output + '\n', filename = output_file)
def check_config(var, license_id, license_name):
if var:
if not license_id:
wikipedia.output(u"WARNING: You don't have set a " + license_name + ", search engine is disabled.")
return False
return var
def main():
global output_file
gen = None
# Can either be 'xmldump', 'textfile' or 'userinput'.
source = None
# the textfile's path, either absolute or relative, which will be used when
# source is 'textfile'.
textfilename = None
# the category name which will be used when source is 'category'.
categoryname = None
catrecurse = False
# pages which will be processed when the -page parameter is used
PageTitles = []
# IDs which will be processed when the -ids parameter is used
ids = None
# a page whose referrers will be processed when the -ref parameter is used
referredPageTitle = None
# an image page whose file links will be processed when the -filelinks parameter is used
fileLinksPageTitle = None
# a page whose links will be processed when the -links parameter is used
linkingPageTitle = None
# will become True when the user presses a ('yes to all') or uses the -always
# commandline paramater.
acceptall = False
# Which namespaces should be processed?
# default to [] which means all namespaces will be processed
namespaces = []
repeat = False
firstPageTitle = None
config.copyright_yahoo = check_config(config.copyright_yahoo, config.yahoo_appid, "Yahoo AppID")
config.copyright_google = check_config(config.copyright_google, config.google_key, "Google Web API license key")
# Read commandline parameters.
for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
if arg.startswith('-filelinks'):
if len(arg) == 10:
fileLinksPageTitle = wikipedia.input(u'Links to which image page should be processed?')
fileLinksPageTitle = arg[11:]
#TODO: Replace 'Image:' with something that automatically gets the name of images based on the language.
fileLinksPage = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), 'Image:' + fileLinksPageTitle)
gen = pagegenerators.FileLinksGenerator(fileLinksPage)
elif arg.startswith('-repeat'):
repeat = True
elif arg.startswith('-y'):
config.copyright_yahoo = True
elif arg.startswith('-g'):
config.copyright_google = True
elif arg.startswith('-ny'):
config.copyright_yahoo = False
elif arg.startswith('-ng'):
config.copyright_google = False
elif arg.startswith('-output'):
if len(arg) >= 8:
output_file = arg[8:]
elif arg.startswith('-maxquery'):
if len(arg) >= 10:
config.copyright_max_query_for_page = int(arg[10:])
elif arg.startswith('-new'):
if len(arg) >=5:
gen = pagegenerators.NewpagesPageGenerator(number=int(arg[5:]), repeat = repeat)
gen = pagegenerators.NewpagesPageGenerator(number=60, repeat = repeat)
elif arg.startswith('-file'):
if len(arg) >= 6:
textfilename = arg[6:]
gen = pagegenerators.TextfilePageGenerator(textfilename)
#elif arg.startswith('-idfile'):
# if len(arg) >= 11:
# textfilename = arg[11:]
# ids = read_file(textfilename).splitlines()
elif arg.startswith('-subcat'):
catrecurse = True
elif arg.startswith('-cat'):
if len(arg) == 4:
categoryname = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the category name:')
categoryname = arg[5:]
cat = catlib.Category(wikipedia.getSite(), 'Category:%s' % categoryname)
if firstPageTitle:
gen = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(cat, recurse = catrecurse, start = firstPageTitle)
gen = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(cat, recurse = catrecurse)
elif arg.startswith('-xml'):
if len(arg) == 4:
xmlFilename = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the XML dump\'s filename:')
xmlFilename = arg[5:]
elif arg.startswith('-page'):
if len(arg) == 5:
PageTitles.append(wikipedia.input(u'Which page do you want to change?'))
source = 'specificPages'
elif arg.startswith('-ref'):
if len(arg) == 4:
referredPageTitle = wikipedia.input(u'Links to which page should be processed?')
referredPageTitle = arg[5:]
referredPage = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), referredPageTitle)
gen = pagegenerators.ReferringPageGenerator(referredPage)
elif arg.startswith('-links'):
if len(arg) == 6:
linkingPageTitle = wikipedia.input(u'Links from which page should be processed?')
linkingPageTitle = arg[7:]
linkingPage = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), linkingPageTitle)
gen = pagegenerators.LinkedPageGenerator(linkingPage)
elif arg.startswith('-start'):
if len(arg) == 6:
firstPageTitle = wikipedia.input(u'Which page do you want to change?')
firstPageTitle = arg[7:]
namespace = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), firstPageTitle).namespace()
firstPageTitle = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), firstPageTitle).titleWithoutNamespace()
gen = pagegenerators.AllpagesPageGenerator(firstPageTitle, namespace)
elif arg.startswith('-namespace:'):
elif arg.startswith('-forceupdate'):
load_pages(force_update = True)
if PageTitles:
pages = [wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), PageTitle) for PageTitle in PageTitles]
gen = iter(pages)
if ids:
if not gen and not ids:
# syntax error, show help text from the top of this file
wikipedia.output(__doc__, 'iso-8859-1')
if not gen:
if namespaces != []:
gen = pagegenerators.NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(gen, namespaces)
preloadingGen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen, pageNumber = 20)
bot = CheckRobot(preloadingGen)
if __name__ == "__main__":