User language
sr-N Матерњи језик овог корисника је српски / srpski.
de-3 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf hohem Niveau.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
Users by language


Quest'utente ha una pagina su Wikimedia MetaWiki.

This user is a patroller on Meta-Wiki. (verify)
Quest'utente ha creato un account globale e quello principale è su Wikipedia (Serbian).
Wikimedia logo family FriedrickMILBarbarossa is the unique login of this user for all public Wikimedia projects.

This user has an account and contributes to
This user is active on PHABRICATOR. You can report there, too.


Questo utente ha un account alternativo chiamato Novak Watchmen.
This user runs a bot, FifthMILlenniumBot (contribs).
Sono un fan delle Guerre stellari!

Seid gegrüβt und willkommen!